

8. September 2023

Review of Beerup #8

On September 7th, we invited our community to the 8th edition of the Beerup at the VSHN Tower – a casual gathering of techies who discussed not only beer but also the latest trends and developments in the container world. The late afternoon was marked by two fascinating presentations that offered profound insights into the current and upcoming developments of OpenShift, APPUiO Managed, and APPUiO Cloud.


21. April 2023

Self Sign-Up and Invitations on APPUiO Cloud

We’re very excited to share two fantastic news: starting today, users can self-sign up into APPUiO Cloud and create a new organization, and also send invitations to their colleagues and coworkers to join their APPUiO Cloud organization.


15. November 2022

Interview mit acend-Mitbegründer Tobi Tröhler

Nach dem Aufbau ist vor dem Betrieb. acend hilft dir unter anderem dabei zu verstehen, wie du deinen OpenShift 4 Cluster betreibst oder wie Cilium die Security von deiner Infrastruktur optimiert. Wie sie das machen und was daran so speziell ist, erfährst du im nachstehenden Interview mit Mitbegründer Tobi Tröhler.


7. November 2022

OpenShift as Kubernetes distribution

The Cyberweek offer includes a setup with the Kubernetes distribution OpenShift. Learn about the benefits of OpenShift and what the distribution includes.


3. November 2022

Rückblick auf das Beerup vom 1. November 2022

Endlich war es wieder so weit. Nach knapp 2 Jahren Zwangspause führten wir wieder einmal ein BeerUp durch. Diesmal waren, mit ein paar wenigen Ausnahmen, alle vor Ort! Ungefähr 40 Leute füllten den Mensa-Teil vom Puzzle-Büro in Zürich. Nebst drei spannender Talks wurde gut getrunken, gespeist, gelacht und philosophiert.


2. November 2022

Interview mit Gründervater Tobru zum APPUiO Angebot

Der erste Teil unseres Angebots im Rahmen der diesjährigen Container Cyber Week beinhaltet den Aufbau eines OpenShift 4 Clusters. Wie du es dir von APPUiO gewöhnt bist, kannst du auch während der Cyberwoche wählen, welches Angebot deine Wünsche am besten erfüllt. Ist das eher ein managed OpenShift Cluster oder doch eine selbst aufgebaute und - betriebene Plattform? Oder möchtest du vielleicht unsere APPUiO Cloud testen? In diesem Blogpost zeigen wir dir, was du mit APPUiO alles erreichen kannst. Wir sind glücklich, hat sich APPUiO Gründervater und VSHN CTO Tobias Brunner (Tobru) dazu bereiterklärt, ein paar Fragen über APPUiO zu beantworten.


18. October 2022

APPUiO Cloud for Agencies

Web and design agencies are always juggling a delicate balance between burnout and profitability. They have anxious customers on one side, and complex projects on the other. Dealing with the day-to-day intricacies of technology is a part of their core competency and value proposition, but at which level of the abstraction ladder do they draw the line? Shouldn’t they just be creating value for your customers? Do they really want to deal with infrastructure and monitoring issues?


14. October 2022

APPUiO Cloud for SaaS & E-commerce companies

Remember when 25 years ago people wondered what this “Internet” thing was? Times have changed to such an extent that these days even the smallest of businesses must have a SaaS & E-Commerce presence. But can they manage the complexity of a cloud platform? Can they afford runaway costs if they forget to turn a virtual machine off? The French like to say, “No one is safe from success.” What would happen if your website became the preferred new shop of an Instagram influencer? Your next overnight success doesn’t have to be your last.


11. October 2022

APPUiO Cloud for Fintech, Insurtech & Medtech companies

What keeps Fintech, Insurtech & Medtech technical teams awake at night? Well, the easy answer would be “a lot of things,” but a few always stand out in the list: security, regulatory frameworks, and infrastructure complexity. In our age of digitalization and increasingly competitive markets, engineers and CTOs face security breaches and complex legislation making new products more complicated and challenging to bring to market.


5. October 2022

APPUiO Cloud for ISV-Customers

Independent software vendors have lots to worry about: managing the relationship with their chosen platform vendor; transforming awareness into cash flows through a marketing funnel; and that’s without mentioning the daily intricacies and whims of software and code. Bugs! Features! Exceptions! Stack traces! But the biggest worry of them all is, however, cost management. How to make sure your cloud investment won’t leave you bankrupt?